In Print (on Paper)

Some time ago, an author who writes for Good Letters, the Image blog, happened to mention her knitting in an essay.  I, being a blog reader & knitter, commented on the post.  A small thing,  to comment on a blog, to say, "I wrote about something along this line awhile back on my blog -- here's the link, if you're interested."  It's part of blogging at its best -- not just sharing our thoughts with some small segment of the world "out there" -- but conversations with like-minded, or at least like-interested, folks we wouldn't otherwise know.

The author was Peggy Rosenthal, who asked to quote from my post in the book she was writing.  And so, that conversation led to a little bit of this blog being quoted in her new book, Knit One, Purl a Prayer -- in print, on paper, and not for a grade.  What a treat!

And really, it's a treat for all of us.  This is a lovely book -- not just Rosenthal's ideas, but conversations and thoughts from many knitters who shared with her their thoughts on knitting and its relationship to their spiritual lives.  Because I believe my Christian faith should be (I hope is) a part of all of my life, I muse sometimes about what that means for me as a knitter.  Is it just when I'm knitting something for charity that my knitting has a spiritual dimension?  Or is the relationship deeper?  It was interesting to read other people's ideas -- and to hear from people of other faiths too, who'd given some thought to how our somewhat prosaic craft has spiritual dimensions.

Besides sharing the words of several thoughtful knitters, in each chapter Rosenthal has suggestions for putting into practice an aspect of knitting and spiritual life.  Every chapter has a pattern for a project as well.

The best part of the book, for me, was the company I am in.  The chapter that quotes my blog also quotes Luci Shaw, a poet & essayist whose work I've long enjoyed and admired.  Turns out she's a knitter too! 

I'd encourage any thoughtful knitter to take some time with this book - I think it will enrich your life -- of the spirit and the needles. 


  1. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Beautiful quote, a deep river of a quote. Look forward to purchasing the book. Proud to be your sis, and not just because of this.

  2. Oh, cool! Thanks for the link to this great book! (And happy holidays to you, too!)

  3. I used to subscribe to Image, but it's been awhile since I've seen the magazine. The book sounds like something I'd really like and I'll look for it. Thanks for mentioning it!


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