Drowning in a sea. . .

Fleece Artist Yarn for Tempest
I'm pretty happy with this blue yarn that arrived today. It's Blue Faced Leicester 2/8 from Fleece Artist (blue-faced referring to the sheep breed, like merino, rather than the color), in Blue Lagoon and Ocean. I bought it at Little Knits. It's to make Tempest. I'll be casting on as soon as the afghan is done. There is even more color variation going on than shows in the photo, and the yarn has a wonderful lanolin smell. I just hopped over to the Little Knits site -- in their photos, you'd think these two yarns were very much the same. My Blue Lagoon is mostly blue, shading to gray-blue. My Ocean has green and greeny-blue tones. The folks at Little Knits helped me pick over the phone -- I'd advise that over picking from pictures of this yarn.

Happy day!


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