So far in July. . .

We've picked up our son at the airport.  Sam's been in Egypt since school got out -- we're glad he could go, and are really glad he's home.
I've been turning these:
Into this:
I make freezer jam, just the recipe in the pectin package.  I think it tastes fresher & fruitier.  Not to mention, it doesn't require heating up the kitchen on a hot day. 

Oh yes, I'm knitting too -- picking up Sam meant 8 hours in the car -- knitting the red sweater, again.
The front and back are done to the under-arm, and I've got a good start on the sleeves.  Surprisingly, I find the knitting more fun the second time around. 


  1. your sweater is the same colour as the jam!! Must be fate. :D

  2. I'm drooling over the jam (and the sweater, to be honest!). I think Egypt would be a fascinating destination! Did he see the pyramid?

  3. So glad Sam is home safe! What a great experience to travel there.

    I *love* raspberries and hope the farmer's market tomorrow will indulge me. I admire your jam making very much!

    Good luck with your sweater!


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