Next Verse, Same as the First?

I've joined the pieces of my second Am Kamin sweater. The first one, I knit in pieces. This time, I'm knitting the raglan yoke as one piece. The original design is nicely shaped so the front is cut lower than the back -- I've already done some short rows that go from the sleeves around the back - in other words, adding an extra set of rows everywhere but the front. Later, I'll use short rows (I think) to shape the neckline.

The cons of this alternative are that right now, the rows are SO long. But nearly every row gets 8 stitches shorter.

And, in the "you learn something new everyday" department, I used Meg Swansen's article in the last Interweave Knits (Fall 2010) to learn to make the crossed, twisted stitches without a cable needle. After two sweaters (almost) and hundreds of cable crosses, I think I've finally got it!


  1. wow, it looks incredible!! The colour and all those intricate cables look so lush. Amazing.

  2. You've made amazing progress on your sweater. It must be so hard to start all over again, but you're nearly finished!

    I love your dining room -- it looks so fresh and shows off your personal touches.


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