Christmas Cheer

Theresa's Christmas party, over at Knitting Underway, inspired me to share some of our, shall we say, eclectic Christmas decor. I knit these Christmas stockings quite a few year ago from the Christmas Socks pattern from Beth Brown Reinsel's Knitting Traditions (page down to see the pattern). One of the reasons I think this is a cool pattern is that you can knit a big Christmas Stocking, or real, wearable Christmas socks. I have the yarn for the socks too, but have yet to make them.

Yes, two of our Christmas socks are actually mittens - it seemed like a good idea at the time, though they're sort of odd shaped mittens. However, they do hold a cd, some candy and a tangerine, which is the point on Christmas morning.

I should be making cookies, sending cards, shopping, practicing music for church and a million other things. Before I do, I want to wish each of you a joyous holiday season. Thanks for reading my blog!


  1. I love your stockings. I have seen some great large felted mittens and love them as Christmas stockings. I'll post a picture of our family stockings and the story behind them. How were the Endpaper Mitts to make? Might make a nice class because they are small.

  2. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Merry Christmas to you!!! The stockings and mittens look very festive!


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